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XPath Query to Retrieve Element Value and Name

Things to have in mind about using xPath on IMPORTXML It supports xPath 1.0. An old version of the IMPORTXML help article mentioned the supported version; the current version points to a third-party ...
Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -'s user avatar
2 votes

XPath Query to Retrieve Element Value and Name

Alternatives Here are alternative approaches to get the data in your preferred layout: IMPORTDATA =IMPORTDATA(url, delimiter) Imports from a URL in CSV or TSV format. =LET(url, "https://home....
Blindspots's user avatar
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Unable to importxml from this URL

IMPORTXML only is able to access public web resources but he URL in the formula requires user and password so it couldn't be reached.
Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -'s user avatar
1 vote

Pull information about each game from

Some tools that give the xPath are able to read the DOM of the related page after it was modified but IMPORTXML is only able to read the source code of the page. In these cases, you should use another ...
Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -'s user avatar
1 vote

ImportXML error: 'imported content is empty' when selecting for text within a list item

Thanks for linking to How to know if Google Sheets IMPORTDATA, IMPORTFEED, IMPORTHTML or IMPORTXML functions are able to get data from a resource hosted on a website?. For people looking for a quick ...
jlo's user avatar
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ImportXML not loading due to number of requests

First thing to do is to remove the formulas that are unnecessary. Your spreadsheet has a lot of formulas that are using the GOOGLEFINANCE built-in function that aren't necessary because they are ...
Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -'s user avatar
1 vote

ImportXML not loading due to number of requests

The easiest solution would be to divide your formulas in 16 spreadsheets each with 50 formulas and then just use IMPORTRANGE 16 times in your Master Spreadsheet. Also, no need to calculate the "...
user0's user avatar
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Google Spreadsheet IMPORTXML problem to extract from a web page

Google Sheets built-in funcion IMPORTXML can't access tags created by JavaScript. You could ask for a software recommendation on or look for related web ...
Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -'s user avatar

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