I'm subscribed to a mailing list which sends me very often emails with this subject format:
A B $ x: Phrase
Where A is a word, B in another word different from A, $ is a currency symbol, x is a decimal number (such as 0.15 or 21.63 or 155.01), : is the colon symbol and Phrase is a generic phrase.
The decimal number and the phrase change in every email.
I'd like to put all the emails coming from this mailing list having x greater than 5 into a folder and all the emails coming from this mailing list having x less than 5 into another folder.
I tried using the advice found at this link, and this is what I came up with:
-{subject:("A B $ 0.") subject:("A B $ 1.")} subject:("A B $ 2.") subject:("A B $ 3.") subject:("A B $ 4.") subject:("A B $ 5.")}
I put this line in the Subject field of the Gmail filter to get the emails with x greater than 5, but it doesn't seem to work. I also tried to put this line in the Subject field:
-{"A B $ 0." "A B $ 1." "A B $ 2." "A B $ 3." "A B $ 4." "A B $ 5."}
But again it doesn't seem to work.
What should I do? Any advice?
I've tried doing what user Blind Spots suggests, but it didn't work. So I'm providing some samples of the actual subject and more info.
I'm subscribed to the Keepa mailing list (a tool to track Amazon prices). The emails this tool sends me are in this format:
Price alert € x: TitleOfItem
Where, again, x is a decimal number followed by a colon and the title of the item tracked.
Putting the line:
from:([email protected]) subject:({Price.alert.€.0 Price.alert.€.1 Price.alert.€.2 Price.alert.€.3 Price.alert.€.4})
or the line:
from:([email protected]) subject:({Price.alert.€.5 Price.alert.€.6 Price.alert.€.7 Price.alert.€.8 Price.alert.€.9})
in the search bar doesn't find the correct emails, neither putting it into the Has the words field of a filter does, even though putting the first line in the search bar finds more emails than putting the first line into the filter field.
Here are some sample email subjects:
Price alert € 8.79: ...
Price alert € 3.80: ...
Price alert € 5.98: ...
Price alert € 20.86: ...