I really like Gmail as an email provider, mainly because its spam settings seem to be so much 'smarter' than most other services. At the moment I've have a personal Gmail account (not a Google Apps for Business) and I have a domain.

In the past I would have just set up a Google Apps for Business account, but they've started charging for them (as of today - Techcrunch article).

Is there a way I can set up my normal Gmail account - [email protected] to be [email protected]?

3 Answers 3


According to Google Operating System:

Apparently, there's a workaround that lets you use the free version of Google Apps for a single account. "If you create a new Apps account going through the App Engine Admin Console you'll still be able to create a Standard Apps account for free but you'll only be able to get 1 user per account rather than the 10 you get today," says Greg D'Alesandre, Senior Product Manager for Google App Engine.


  • 1
    ive given that a try, what you end up with is a free google app engine account, but i couldnt see a way to confirgure the emails
    – sam
    Commented Dec 7, 2012 at 16:55

Goto google.com/takeout with your Gmail account and tranfer your Google+ circles to your new account.


Sure, all you have to do is go to example.com and create an email address [email protected] and then have all email to that address forwarded to your Gmail. I have almost 100 different email addresses at example.com, all forwarded to my Gmail.

  • 1
    i meant more allong the lines of changing it via the mx record so that [email protected] would be the actual email, not a forwarded address
    – sam
    Commented Dec 7, 2012 at 13:29

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