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Questions tagged [hosting]

DON'T USE THIS TAG. It refers to "a service that runs Internet servers, allowing organizations and individuals to serve content to the Internet" instead use the tag for the specific web app offered by the hosting vendor.

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1 answer

What's the opposite of a 'static' website? [closed]

I attempted to explain that a particular challenge required the ability for a website to run scheduled background tasks, and therefore a static web site host would be inadequate, and a website / ...
stevec's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

GoDaddy domain vs Azure VM Host [closed]

So I'v create a WebPage witch is a basic html/js file. And I want it to be hosted somewhere in this world. So I bought a domain name here on GoDaddy ( and place my file a Virtual ...
Hugo's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Static web hosting on Dropbox — index.html

To host my blog, I added a file called index.html to Public/blog in Dropbox. However, I get a 404 message if I try to access without the ...
john mangual's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How to host my existing website with Google Drive [closed]

Google has given me 15GB of storage. Can I host my own website having my own domain?
natarajan physicist's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How can I publish a word document on the same URL but changing content from time to time? [closed]

I have a very simple thing to do which suddenly became hugely difficult. I need to publish a word document on the same URL but I will change its content from time to time. Solutions I tried so far: ...
Grrr's user avatar
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-6 votes
2 answers

Can I use the 15GB space offered free in Google Drive to host a website? If yes then how? [duplicate]

I am a newbie to all this. And am currently planning as well as learning to make a dynamic site.. Can I host site on the free space offered in Google Drive?
sedflix's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

How to use a GitHub as a hosting for a small static website? [closed]

I have found a project called impress.js on GitHub. This project has a cool demo at How can I use GitHub in a similar way for my projects' demos (or at least ...
Roman's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Where can I host EXE files? [closed]

Where and how can I host an EXE file (basically an installer for our desktop product) for users to download (e.g. for trial)? My company uses Google Apps for nearly everything (at least for now). We ...
ossandcad's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Blog site with existing domain name [closed]

I would like to have a blog site, though I have created my own by writing the code. Huhhh... hosting cost is killing me. I have my domain name with me and I just wanted to get the blog where I can use ...
Chris's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Hosted email provider similar to Gmail [closed]

I am using Google's hosted email for my business right now. I like the gmail/web interface but I need to create some account aliases, auto-responders, etc. It is also $50/yr per account which I can'...
Brian's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

imageshack / quick host for webpages? [closed]

if I just want to quickly upload an html page as one would upload an image to imageshack. how would I do that? no signing up
barlop's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

Web write-only drop box [closed]

Does anyone know of a web app that allows you to create folder where anonymous users can upload content and other authenticated users can view and download the documents? and Dropbox (...
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