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30 votes

How to retrieve a LastPass auto-generated password?

If you just generated it, but for some reason not stored as a site in Lastpass after you registered with the site, there is a way to retrieve it, if you used the browser extension. Click on the ...
flurdy's user avatar
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15 votes

How to retrieve a LastPass auto-generated password?

You can now look at the history of your generated passwords using the browser extension. Just click the extension icon then choose Generate Secure Password > Show History.
Brady Dowling's user avatar
10 votes

How can I make LastPass trust a device for more than 30 days?

Trusted devices expiring after 30 days can be disabled in Advanced Settings. Login to LastPass. Open your LastPass Vault. Open Account Settings. Select Show Advanced Settings. Scroll down and select ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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7 votes

How do I set my profile icon in LastPass?

Judging by this LastPass forum thread from February 2017, as well as having personally scoured every inch of the LastPass Account Settings, I don't believe so. I'll let you know if and when I see ...
Luke's user avatar
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6 votes

How do I set my profile icon in LastPass?

I will go one step further on this. I contacted LastPass support, and they confirm that it is not possible to replace the generic user icon with anything else.
Bill's user avatar
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3 votes

How to retrieve a LastPass auto-generated password?

In case you accidentally overwrote the generated password (happened to me) - you can still retrieve it by doing the following: Login to lastpass Find the account for which you need to retrieve the ...
Dickens's user avatar
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1 vote

LastPass import feature does not work, v4.1.62 on Firefox v55.0.2 (64-bit)

Apparently, that button doesn't work so I found another way to access the Import button: I also logged out and logged back in again, that may help.
Exercise To The Reader's user avatar
1 vote

Why is LastPass showing a number under its icon (Chrome)

It indicates the number of passwords you have for the site you are visiting. see
Steve's user avatar
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