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22 votes

Can I host a private or unlisted livestream on YouTube?

Yep. Under "Live Streaming" -> "Stream Now" (or "Events"), set it as private to start like so: Then under "Live Streaming" -> "Events" click "Share" then enter the email addresses of those whom you ...
Zach Saucier's user avatar
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12 votes

Can an owner/admin on a free Slack view private channels?

According to @SlackHQ (the official Slack twitter account), "owners can only see the private channels that they are a member of".
Ellen Spertus's user avatar
10 votes

Are YouTube likes/dislikes anonymous?

Likes are always private and anonymous. That said, the channel owner always can see the country of origin for likes and dislikes on videos. That information is not available for likes and dislikes ...
Leo Wattenberg's user avatar
9 votes

Can I host a private or unlisted livestream on YouTube?

Please note that the new YouTube Go live feature (introduced March 2018) only supports Public and Unlisted streams. It differs from the usual New live event feature in that it doesn't require ...
Tomáš Hübelbauer's user avatar
8 votes

How do I share a private YouTube video with someone?

The original accepted answer is out of date. The current steps are: Navigate to Click your account icon at the top right, and select "Creator Studio" from the menu. In the ...
Jamey's user avatar
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6 votes

Can I hide my favourites on YouTube from the other users?

For those who are wondering, even after 10 years (lol), option to hide Favorite playlist is still missing for some people. Actually, I found out it was depending on the language you are using on ...
Earth_Believer's user avatar
6 votes

How can I hide my name on a shared Google Doc?

It's not possible to hide the owner name on shared documents. It could be found either on the Google Documents UI or on Google Drive. The alternative is to use an account that doesn't include your ...
Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -'s user avatar
6 votes

Why does Dropbox want access to my Google Contacts when signing up?

There is an official version (for Android) here: Why does the Dropbox Android app request access to my contacts? The Android app uses your contacts to provide features that make it easier ...
pnuts's user avatar
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6 votes

Does WhatsApp 'upload' contact list to Facebook's databases? If so, how to prevent?

Update: It seems that the answer is a strong NO. You can't prevent it. WhatsApp's legal privacy statement: Third Parties. WhatsApp may transfer data within the Facebook family of companies and to ...
arieljannai's user avatar
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6 votes

Does the Facebook app steal my contact information?

The Facebook app cannot access your phone contacts without consent. Normally you get a pop-up when first launching the Facebook app where it asks you if you want to allow it to use your contacts. This ...
Foxyz's user avatar
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5 votes

Can an owner/admin on a free Slack view private channels?

As of May 2019 Slack's privacy FAQ states that on a free plan, owners can request an export of all data, including private messages and channels. However, they must "provide (a) valid legal process, (...
octern's user avatar
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5 votes

Why am I being asked to purchase $502/$25 Google Play gift cards by customer support to unlock my account?

Simple answer because you are getting scammed. They wanted $25 of android credit and then wanted to try again. Assuming that "google numbers" means the number hidden under the scratch-off foil. Start ...
aintEvenInThisCommunity's user avatar
4 votes

Why does Dropbox want access to my Google Contacts when signing up?

This is not a definitive answer, but I feel the reason they would would give is: When you are sharing a file, if they have your contacts, they can suggest you email address to share the link with. ...
Ashar's user avatar
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4 votes

How is Facebook targeting me with ads for a site that I viewed in Incognito mode?

Incognito mode only prevents the browser from saving cookies, history, etc. It does nothing to prevent servers from recording other meta data about you. At the very least, you visited the spammy site ...
ale's user avatar
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4 votes

How do you stop your friends from being notified of what you post on others' walls?

If you are frequent poster (means if you keep updating status, sharing etc), they will not get any notification but if you are posting something after a long time (3 weeks or more), they will get ...
serenesat's user avatar
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4 votes

Does the 2-step verification solves the security problem

2-step verification (or 2-factor authentication) is a step above 1-factor authentication (just a password) because it requires the user to have access to something (generally, a specific cell phone) ...
freginold's user avatar
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4 votes

How do I delete very old photos from the "Insert Photo" dialog in Gmail?

Log into and you should be able to find older photos that you don't find in Google Photos. Delete the pictures from there. Source (someone else with the same problem): ...
Andrew Cheong's user avatar
4 votes

How can I stop YouTube (or Google) tracking me?

There are a zillion ways for Google to track you... I discover a new one every day. Apart from the ones you mentioned, here are a few additional ways (which are not necessarily related to your problem ...
piko's user avatar
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4 votes

In Facebook is there a way to add someone to a friend list before they accept your friend request?

This seems to keep changing. At the moment I can't see how to do it except for on the mobile web site (not the app) as mentioned by francisaugusto, but the sequence is different. This works fine from ...
RedYeti's user avatar
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3 votes

Hide public posts on Facebook profile

Yes Make a post set to public then: Click the Activity Log button near the top of your timeline Click the pencil button next to whatever update you just made and select "Hidden from Timeline"
SleepingGod's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it possible to see the owner of a public Google Doc?

Apparently as of March 2023, you can simply find the file in your "Shared with me" page or in "Suggested", right click on it, and there will be an option "Block example@gmail....
BBoz's user avatar
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3 votes

Google Calendar Security/Privacy Concerns?

This is 2017 - and the default Google calendar app will read your data, even if you use webdav sync with a non-google calendar. Try creating some simply named events and then go to 'schedule' view - ...
TNT's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I share a private YouTube video with someone?

11.01.2019 - present day click on your profile icon on top right select Creator Studio go to Video Manager select video you want to share click on Edit button add your +1 person under Private ...
user0's user avatar
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3 votes

Can an owner/admin on a free Slack view private channels?

There is workaround though. If you have a Slack app that collects tokens from all you users, that app is able to access all private channels. Also see this post:
Erik Kalkoken's user avatar
3 votes

Where does Venmo get its list of suggested friends?

They use your phone number when you signup. They then cross reference that phone number with peoples contacts who have already downloaded the mobile app and voila they recommend people who have your ...
Jason's user avatar
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3 votes

Privacy regarding Gmail "All Mail"

Do you share access to your Google account? No? Then there's nothing to worry about. "All Mail" is simply all your mail. If you do share access to your Google account, then there's no amount of ...
ale's user avatar
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3 votes

Is Google Account birth year shown?

Nobody can see your "About Me" page but you. You'd need to look at your public profile. If you go to when you're logged in, it will redirect to your "public" Google ...
ale's user avatar
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3 votes

Share Google Sheets Anonymously

If you want to give the permission of viewer and editor to users for the shared spreadsheet, you are required to share the endpoint like fileId ###/edit?usp=...
Tanaike's user avatar
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3 votes

How did facebook know this?

Did you ever used Facebook on that browser? If this is the case then when you visited the website, Facebook was able with a tracing cookie to pickup your visit, store the data (timestamp, ip...) from ...
emaV's user avatar
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