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How to disable irrelevant Facebook notifications?

It's Facebooks way of getting you to use more Facebook. Which in your case, failed miserably. They send these notifications to people who haven't had much of interaction on facebook to have a page ...
BorhnN's user avatar
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4 votes

How do you stop your friends from being notified of what you post on others' walls?

If you are frequent poster (means if you keep updating status, sharing etc), they will not get any notification but if you are posting something after a long time (3 weeks or more), they will get ...
serenesat's user avatar
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How can I stop getting notifications about people I don't follow posting statuses on Facebook?

Click the menu (indicated by three horizontal dots). You'll get at least two options: hide that individual notification and hide all about that person. Select the second and you should stop seeing the ...
ale's user avatar
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3 votes

Facebook: "Help them see future posts by inviting them to like your Page."

Click on the notification. It will take you to your post. Click on the Likes number under your post. A window will pop up allowing you to Invite those people to Like your page.
Scott's user avatar
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3 votes

How to disable the flashing title when someone messages me on Facebook?

I know, this is extremely annoying. You can try this on Chrome. This worked for me (with a pinned tab), in February 2017. Create folder somewhere on your hard drive and create these two files in it: ...
Ola Vikholt's user avatar
2 votes

Notifications only for comments on your Facebook Page, not Likes

To only view comment notifications: Install and open Click the CSS link and add the following CSS code: div[data-gt*=notif_page] li:not([data-gt*=comment]) {display:none !...
Brian Smith's user avatar
2 votes

Do all members of a Facebook Group get notifications of ALL posts?

Yes. By default a group member get notifications for all the post. A group member can change this setting anytime. How do I edit my notification settings for a group?
serenesat's user avatar
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Turning off email notifications for individual group posts on Facebook

Unsubscribe directly from your email for which you don't want to be notify. Suppose someone else replies to the post, you will get an email, unsubscribe that one.
serenesat's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a way to turn off Facebook’s spammy page notifications?

A possible indirect solution would be to utilize Facebook's business manager. It allows you to add pages and do page management through the business manager portal as opposed to your personal account. ...
B-Stewart's user avatar
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2 votes

Facebook individual notification "mark as read" button is gone

The "Mark As Read" option is still there; it's just hard to see. Below the ellipsis is a single dot -- if you hover over this dot, "Mark As Read" will appear. Clicking on the dot will mark the ...
freginold's user avatar
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How do I set up alerts on Facebook Marketplace?

It looks like the option to create new alerts has now been removed. Facebook is constantly making changes to the Marketplace portion of their app. Over time they add, remove, and change features. ...
André Le Comte's user avatar
2 votes

How to receive email notification of new Facebook messages (2021)

I went and looked in the usual place where we would set notifications for our email and indeed it seems Messenger option isn't present. There was another question asked how to enable on it, and ...
wuodland's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a way to disable the Facebook in-browser notifications?

I'm using uBlock Origin (which is anyhow very recommended addon) and used it to block these pop-ups. This is how: Once a pop-up pops-up: Click on the add-on's icon. Click on the picker icon on the ...
WillyCode's user avatar
1 vote

How to block Facebook in-page popup notifications in lower left corner?

The F.B. Purity extension can do this: The setting is under FBP->Notification Options->check "Hide Notification Popups"
mmortal03's user avatar
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Instagram notification: "X, who you may know, is on Instagram. Would you like to follow them?"

These have been annoying me as well. Unfortunately, you can't turn these off. You would have to turn off all Instagram notifications to get rid of it.
Emily's user avatar
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How to stop the "friendship anniversary" notifications on Facebook?

Here's the trick: First, you need to switch to "Classic Facebook", as the "new Facebook" (as of May 2020) does not have the option. Then, go to and disable ...
Sébastien's user avatar
1 vote

Activity notifications of groups my page joins are turned off, but why do I still get them?

Go to there will be another button to hide notification: However not all the groups are shown in this list, and not always a group has this option. I don'...
Ooker's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I set up alerts on Facebook Marketplace?

As of this posting, it can be set up on the FB phone App. Go to the Marketplace. Search your term. Select the
Alan Derrick's user avatar
1 vote

How to disable irrelevant Facebook notifications?

As answered by Patrick in the comments of the question, they hid the turn off option too deep. First, Enable desktop notifications Then disable recent notifications
LifeH2O's user avatar
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How to disable irrelevant Facebook notifications?

Some friends are designated "close friends" and you get updated on everything they do. Try checking specific friends you get a lot of notifications from. Make sure they're not listed as close friends (...
Amelia's user avatar
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How can I stop Facebook "Alice commented on Bob's status" notifications?

Go to that individual's ("Alice's") profile page and closer to the right side on the cover photo, (where you'd normally click on "add friend" to request them, but it now says "friends" with a downward ...
Tess Teresa Skaren Crist's user avatar
1 vote

How do I turn off the "Turn on Facebook Notifications" popup?

Instructions for how to stop the "Turn on Facebook Notifications" pop-up Click the green "Turn on" button in the popup window. If you havent already turned off "off site" notifications in the ...
mack nordstrum's user avatar
1 vote

If I turn Notifications of Group Activity to OFF, do I still see comments on my posts?

I tested. The answer appears to be YES.
Clay Nichols's user avatar
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How do I turn off Facebook notifications when someone likes my comment?

There is no way to do this at the moment. Don't know if Facebook have any plan to implement this feature in the near future. Learn more about how to adjust notification. Here is a Chrome extension ...
serenesat's user avatar
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Can the group administrator set the notification level for its Facebook group?

No, you can not change notification setting for group members. You can change only for yourself. Only group members can change the group notification for their self.
serenesat's user avatar
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If I follow a post, will the owner be notified it was me?

If you follow someone, he/she will get notified once that you followed him/her. You can set priority to see his/her post at first on your feed, this time he/she won't get notified. If you follow a ...
tontus's user avatar
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Notifications only for comments on your Facebook Page, not Likes

Turn off “More Activity About You” setting in notification preferences. I was looking for this option for long-long time. And it seems like Facebook added it recently.
Maxim Uvarov's user avatar
1 vote

Notifications only for comments on your Facebook Page, not Likes

I use the Chrome extension called "Hide 'Like' Notifications" and it works brilliantly. Unfortunately I don't know of a way to hide them on the mobile native apps yet though.
JD Smith's user avatar
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