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61 votes

Is there a way to use the NOT operator on Amazon?

Unfortunately, Amazon does not regard the NOT operator anymore (negative keyword search). Workaround: use Google Search with for example: lightbulbs -led This will give you all ...
Avatar's user avatar
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38 votes

How to search in a single channel?

Found the answer in the Slack docs. The solution is to add the text in:someChannel or in:someUser to your search query.
Stefan Monov's user avatar
18 votes

How to search with boolean operators on GitHub?

The default search works as though there is an implied AND operator between each search key-value pair: is:pr is:open author:monishdeb If you specify more than one key-value pair for a key, it uses ...
Joe Murray's user avatar
14 votes

Is there a way to search only liked videos in my YouTube account?

For me I found that History page have search at the right:
Vitaly Zdanevich's user avatar
10 votes

Is there a way to search only liked videos in my YouTube account?

Update: As of August 31 2023, the YouTube playlist search script is unfortunately no longer available. If you have a user script manager like Greasemonkey installed, you can use the aptly named ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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7 votes

How can I search reminders in Google Inbox, but not search emails?

You can search only for reminders by adding the search operator "is:reminder" to your search. keyword is:reminder If you want only reminders that have not been marked done, add "in:inbox" keyword ...
Derek's user avatar
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7 votes

How to search notes in Google Sheets?

Inspired from the accepted answer, here is the version if you want to find in notes in all sheets: function searchNotes() { var allSheets = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheets(); var sheet = ...
Muzammil's user avatar
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7 votes

Searching for all messages by user with Slack

I was able to find all messages by user by entering only from:@username into the search box.
Naruto Sempai's user avatar
5 votes

Search only through tweets of people I'm following

Currently for the browser version you need to add &pf=on (People you Follow) to the search string. E.g. searching 'something':
Henk Poley's user avatar
5 votes

How to search with boolean operators on GitHub?

The default "Pull requests" search ( seems to have an implicit AND between all search fields, but if you duplicate a field it ignores all but the last one. So this: ...
Gabriel Staples's user avatar
5 votes

Search label by first characters on GitHub

Unfortunately there is no wildcard search for labels on GitHub: Additionally there is also unfortunately no way to ...
janpio's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I search reminders in Google Inbox, but not search emails?

I couldn't get is:reminder -is:done to work. So I used this, and it did what I wanted (all reminders not done, including reminders that aren't related to email): is:reminder is:pinned It renders ...
Duane Rudy's user avatar
4 votes

Why don't I find any expected results when google-searching with search terms that start with dashes?

gcc -Wall actually tells the Google search engine to include things that match "gcc", and exclude things that match "Wall". This is because the dash/hyphen character, "-",...
starball's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I turn a Google Photos search result into an album?

Perform your search Click on the check mark of the first photo so that it is selected Scroll down to the bottom of the batch of photos While holding down the shift key, click the check mark of the ...
ale's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I search for Gmail messages on a particular date?

For emails on a particular date (e.g. on 12 July 2017) enter this in search box: after:2017/7/12 before:2017/7/13
ePandit's user avatar
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3 votes

Ctrl + F not working for browser page search when using Google Docs

Pressing F3 has the same result as pressing Ctrl+F in most browsers and this hotkey is not used in Google Docs.
Tharkon's user avatar
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3 votes

How to search in a single channel?

The channel name should be preceded by the channel type character. EG; To find messages with text Hello in the personal channel Jake the search would be Hello in:@Jake To find messages with text ...
Mat Walker's user avatar
3 votes

Is there a way to search only liked videos in my YouTube account?

Here, very easy with the Playlist Search for YouTube Chrome extension. Click on the link above, then click "Add to Chrome" and confirm the pop-up. Pin the extension by clicking the puzzle ...
hiyorijl's user avatar
3 votes

Search only headers and/or only in outline of Google Docs

I use this workaround: If you add a table of contents (Insert > Table of contents) at the begining of the page, you can use the normal search bar of the document and look at the first matches to ...
Jose Viñas's user avatar
2 votes

How can I search for one label but not another?

Gmail labels are applied per message, not per thread. If any messages in a thread don't have the excluded label applied, then the thread will still show up in your search. If you turn off "...
Sten's user avatar
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2 votes

Order of operations when using <AND> and <OR > in a boolean search on Twitter

social media metrics OR analytics The OR operator will attach to the word that immediately precedes it, very much like order of operations in algebra. For example, the above query will find tweets ...
mini's user avatar
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2 votes

How do you search videos that were uploaded on a YouTube channel in a certain time period?

Use after:year-month-day (inclusive) and before:year-month-day (exclusive). E.g. for cat videos from 2012: cats after:2012-01-01 before:2013-01-01:
Det's user avatar
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2 votes

How do you search videos that were uploaded on a YouTube channel in a certain time period?

Add after:(date of video) in your search. For example: after:2013-03-29 will return anything upload after the 29th March 2013.
you're welcome's user avatar
2 votes

Search in all GitHub repositories for files with a specific name

Legacy Syntax The in:path qualifier described in the accepted answer from 2014 is now part of GitHub's legacy syntax and should only be used if searching code using the REST API endpoint. Current ...
mortalis's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it possible to do a Boolean OR search on Trello?

Based on this response set, and my reading of the manual, the answer is strictly NO. it is not possible to do the boolean | or function, distinct from the boolean & and function: you can do ...
George Michaelson's user avatar
2 votes

How to search within a product's reviews on Amazon

Amazon changed layout a bit. The Search Option still there and got expanded. At the end of the summary for reviews section, click on the blue number that has how many reviews a product has. Then, ...
Mary Smith's user avatar

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