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48 votes

Link to a cell in a Google Sheets via URL?

Cells And Ranges Please try: Shorten version for the internal use in Spreadsheet: #gid=0&...
Max Makhrov's user avatar
21 votes

Get share link of multiple files in Google Drive to put in spreadsheet

With a very large number of files (50+), a method without painful clicking is the following: Open the desired Google Drive folder and get its ID in the URL from the browser location bar: https://...
Davide Fiocco's user avatar
20 votes

How to change the default link color in Google Slides?

I had a somewhat similar problem and found the following solution: Open the Master Slide by selecting the "Slide" dropdown and then "Edit theme"; Select "Colors..." at ...
Eduardo Batista's user avatar
18 votes

Web archive links without header

from "Wikipedia Help:Using the Wayback Machine" : (Source) Specific archive copy Once the target web page has been archived, each of the specific dated archives can be individually ...
ashleedawg's user avatar
17 votes

Link to a cell in a Google Sheets via URL?

As another user answered, Google finally added a feature to Google Sheets (GS) spreadsheets to allow linking directly to cells. The feature is intended for linking to ranges of cells, but specifying ...
Mr. Lance E Sloan's user avatar
7 votes

How do you add a link to slack bot button?

Try Slack's Link Buttons, which specifically open links in new browser tabs when clicked. { "text": "Test Link Buttons", "channel": "C061EG9SL", "attachments": [ { "...
Adil B's user avatar
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7 votes

How do I add a hyperlink in a Slack channel description?

Slack doesn't give an ability to put formatted text in the channel topic. If you enter the link directly though, it'll be correctly hyperlinked. This can be confirmed from the API documentation page ...
Jai Pandya's user avatar
6 votes

How to link from one Google Document to another

Press Ctrl K in document A at the desired position and instead of typing or pasting in a URL into the dialog box that appears, run a search for document B, select it and click Apply. (Source: Link ...
Michael Hemp's user avatar
5 votes

How can I easily link to a bunch of files in my Google Drive from a Google Sheet (in the same account/drive)?

2nd EDIT (following OP's request) "I need a solution that gets me all the way from having a list of filenames (what I have now) to having a list of links I can click on and get to the corresponding ...
marikamitsos's user avatar
  • 13.1k
4 votes

Adding email address to Linktree

It's not actually possible to do that, but there is a work around for that. You can use to generate a prefilled email with a shortened URL that can be shared anywhere.
user286983's user avatar
4 votes

How to get a direct link to a post on MeWe?

I'm quite sure you can't do this (I've tried multiple ways) and I think it's intentional -- so that MeWe doesn't have to take down copyrighted videos you might put up because it doesn't know where ...
Dave Dix's user avatar
4 votes

Click link to send a text message in Google Sheets

From the documentation for HYPERLINK: "Only certain link types are allowed. http://, https://, mailto:, aim:, ftp://, gopher://, telnet://, and news:// are permitted; others are explicitly ...
Tedinoz's user avatar
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4 votes

Click link to send a text message in Google Sheets

Tedinoz's answer points out which link types are allowed within HYPERLINK, which made me realize that I can use a permitted https:// link to a simple HTML page with some JavaScript that forwards to an ...
Vincent's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I prevent Slack from adding previews when I send links in a Slack message?

A simple workaround is to exclude https:// from the links you share. Source (Slack help article): Here are some reasons your link may not expand to show a preview: http:// was not included. Try ...
Shaya Ulman's user avatar
4 votes

How can I put multiple hyperlinks inside the same cell

You can't do it using the HYPERLINK function but there is an alternative approach. Insert Link Shortcut You can put multiple hyperlinks in Google Sheets cells using the "insert link" ...
Yisroel Tech's user avatar
3 votes

Is there a direct link to the latest revision in JSFiddle?

Adding /latest/ to the end of the URL seems to work.
Blaise's user avatar
  • 39
3 votes

Extract the link text and URL from a hyperlinked cell

The scripts from the other answers do not work when the links are not stored as formulas, they are stored as RichTextValue. This is the a way to get a link from a cell not having a formula in Google ...
Ondra Žižka's user avatar
3 votes

Extract the link text and URL from a hyperlinked cell

Assuming the cell has the hyperlink funciton; Just find and replace =hyperlink to "hyperlink" or "xyz" Then you just have to do some data cleaning to separate them. Try using the split text to ...
Jeet Shah's user avatar
3 votes

Space does not get blue underline when linkified in Google documents

The issue has been fixed. Example:
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
3 votes

Web archive links without header

As commenter fzbd states, appending if_ (not id_) to the date string works best. Header shown
Jan Kyu Peblik's user avatar
3 votes

Add a Hyperlink to a Trello card

I ended up creating a small extension called GTD: Trello Card Links that allows you to put any link on the front of your Trello Cards and make it clickable. I always found it really annoying having to ...
Oneezy's user avatar
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3 votes

How to change the default link color in Google Slides?

Go to "slide" and then "edit theme". Here, you can choose the master slide at the top. On the right hand side is a theme menu. Select "link" and change the color there....
Amber's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

Can't email a link copied from Facebook

They shorten long URLs, you have nothing to do about that. To copy the link, just right click it and choose Copy link address - you can right click the textual link, or the preview.
arieljannai's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I apply arrayformula on a hyperlink so that I can reference another cell in a different sheet?

You need to wrap your formula with an Arrayformula and generate as many rows as column A in Sheet1 has a value in it: =ARRAYFORMULA(if(len(Sheet1!A2:A), HYPERLINK("
Marios's user avatar
  • 385
3 votes

How to find a permalink/share-link to an Instagram post?

Answering my own question, because Instagram hid it underneath the "dot-dot-dot" menu, making it non-obvious to users of normal web apps that put the share (a link) button up front and ...
bgoodr's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I make URLs automatically hyperlinked on a web-published Google Docs?

It seems that right now, in 2018, it's the default behavior. The link detection gets triggered when you enter a space or press enter after pasting or writing the URL. So, if you paste a URL that has ...
arieljannai's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a way to link emails from Google Sheets?

You could use a collaborative inbox, which is a feature of Google Groups for Business that gives multiple persons access to a mailbox. When viewing a message in the collaborative inbox, you could ...
Vidar S. Ramdal's user avatar
2 votes

Hyperlink within a Google Sheets?

Right Click on target cell and choose 'Get link to this cell'. Add hyperlink to cell that you want to point to cell in #1. Paste in url from #1.
Michael Hearn's user avatar
2 votes

Hyperlink within a Google Sheets?

As of 13 February 2017, support for anchor links will be introduced: Link to cell ranges in Google Sheets 2/13/2017 Because it can be difficult to navigate large and complex spreadsheets, we’re ...
Jacob Jan's user avatar
  • 23.3k
2 votes

How to edit fixed link text in Google Forms

click "Settings" with the gear icon uncheck "See summary charts and text response click eye icon again Ta-da! "See previous responses" is gone!
yelena's user avatar
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